
New start, new love, new life

We’re a church family of all ages and backgrounds based in Illogan, Cornwall. We are a place where everyone works to support and encourage one another and somewhere people can simply meet with God. That’s what we are always working for. Maybe it’s time for a new start – you’re welcome here! So why not come along and join in? We love this place, it may even be the right church for you. Simply come as you are. You’re invited to join the family.

Our worship services are on at the church every Sunday at 10.30am. These services are also live streamed on our Grapevine Community Church Facebook Page. Please join us if you can. You can always catch up on our Sunday worship services as well if you go to our YouTube channel. We put them up every week.

For more information, updates and latest news follow us on our Grapevine Community Church Facebook page.

Registration for the this year’s Holiday Club is now live – why not book places for your children? See the advert on this page.

Sunday Worship
Our main worship service is on a Sunday morning at 10.30am. It’s informal, sensitive, family friendly and starts as soon as we enter the building. We like taking our time to meet, greet, chat and welcome so start times can a bit flexible! The kids stay with us for the first part of the service and then join our Sunday Kids’ Clubs before the teaching talk starts. Free refreshments are available for everyone after the service.We always aim to include teaching which is passionately delivered, practical and relevant. This is followed up in our mid-week discussion groups where we can truly get to know one another and make lasting friendships.

There’s a lot going on at Grapevine so visit our What’s On page to find out about our weekly groups, activities and special events.

Keeping in touch
All our Sunday Worship services are live streamed through our main Grapevine Community Church Facebook page. Please join us online and get in touch live as the service is taking place using the comment box on Facebook. Our Sunday services start at 10.30am.

If you’re not able to join us on a Sunday we do record the services and upload them on a Grapevine Community YouTube page dedicated to these services so you can catch up at any time.  We would love to hear your feedback.

We’re here for you.

``I'm new``
It can be challenging coming into an unfamiliar place for the first time and meeting new people, but we are here to help. You will be guaranteed a warm welcome and encouraged to ask as many questions as you like. Come in and make yourself at home, take your time, it’s all very informal and friendly.

If you want a visit or a chat just let us know. All things start with that first step.

We have welcome cards at Grapevine where you can leave your details so that we can keep in touch and let you know what’s going on in the church. Alternatively you can leave us your details by using the online contact form.

Join In
There is great satisfaction in being part of something bigger than ourselves and it all begins when we join in. Come along and experience the way this church works. Take your time and relax, let Jesus speak to you. Make some friends, then when you are ready take the step and get involved. It could be one of the best things you do.

As personal faith grows, we encourage everyone to do something for others as part of the church, serving the community and sharing the gospel message in action. No act of servanthood is considered too small. There is true satisfaction in putting others before ourselves.

Find out with us what Being Church is about and how we can grow our faith together.

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