Home 2019 June 09 For such a time as this

For such a time as this

For such a time as this

Thanks to everyone who helped at our Love South West weekend. It’s been amazing.
We’ve been litter picking around  Illogan, dropping of painted rocks, handing out ‘Say One for Me’ prayer invites, opening the church for a Community Lunch and praying with people we met on our Cross outreach. Four young rugby players gave their hearts to the Lord and one of our volunteers, Patrick, pulled a young woman off a road bridge as she was about to throw herself off. She was later comforted at the church.

You couldn’t write this stuff. God has been so good.

We finished off the weekend with a Try Church worship service full of new visitors. It’s been brilliant.

Let’s do it again next year. Thanks so much to the Grapevine team for all your prayers and hard work.

Author: Ade Marks